Sunday, September 29, 2024

Product Feedback Tools: Why Any Old Tool Won’t Solve Your Real Problem

You Know You Need a Product Feedback Tool When...

Feature requests flood your inbox. You and your team are drowning in feature requests and struggling to sort what's important and what's not.

Or worse, it’s completely silent, and you wonder, “does anyone care what we’re building?”

If you Google something like "best product feedback tools" you'll get a sea of listicles that all seem to discuss the same pieces of software and their extensive lists of features. But hold on—before you dive into that one-size-fits-all tool, let’s get real for a second.

Not all feedback tools actually solve your problem. Some of them add more complexity.

Let me give you a quick insight into running a SaaS business (Software as a Service). There’s a lifecycle that affects you, especially if you're a product manager:

  1. Build and launch a minimum viable product (exciting times).
  2. Get your first customers (even more exciting).
  3. Start building more features into your MVP (you probably now have a product that fits your original vision).
  4. Sales are now steady and consistent, you have a good business model. Excellent, congrats.

At this point, your customers probably say your product is simple to use, 'does what it says on the tin' and such like. Again, this is the perfect product-market fit—you’ve got the balance right.

But it's not enough; the bosses want more, and the shareholders demand more.

So, you build more features, thinking that’ll bring in more customers, right? Have loads of price plans, create a table of features.

Your simple product is getting harder to use now.

More, more, more. Bigger, bigger. Features galore. There’s probably an 'enterprise plan' now too. Don’t get me started on those that list their shares publicly. Have you used Zendesk or Mailchimp recently? Have you seen all the features they stuff in there now? You’d never choose them today. You’d choose something easier, something that just does what it says on the tin.

I’m saying this because it’s interesting to think of SaaS products in this lifecycle and the fight you'll have to keep that perfect product-market fit in the longer run.

But Why is This Important?

Do you really want a feedback tool with an enterprise plan, one that connects to Jira or Asana? Do you really need a roadmap and project management tools or some gimmicky AI integration (everything has AI these days, it’s tiresome, and it’s usually just ChatGPT under the hood)?

Don’t get too hung up on feature lists—their mere existence probably indicates a product with a lot of bloat.

Anyway, let's get back on track. I want to show you Fider, a simple tool that solves real problems. We’ve kept it simple and well-suited for the market.

If you want to dive straight in and try Fider, you’re very much welcome. It’s a feature-voting tool that’s completely free to try. It only takes a few minutes to create a feedback board and log some test ideas.

⭐️ Start a Fider feedback board for free now ⭐️

What’s Really Bugging You? (Get Real About Your Problem)

Let’s cut to the chase. What problem are you actually trying to solve? And no, "I need feedback" isn’t specific enough. There are some particular angles to consider:

Are you drowning in feedback from multiple channel?

Some of us get feedback in droves—requests, suggestions, complaints, wish-lists—an endless stream of opinions. They come in by email, on social media posts, reviews, and phone calls. This is great; it means your customers are engaged and they care. 👍

But when every piece of feedback seems equally important (or equally confusing), and it isn’t consolidated anywhere, where do you begin?

If this is your situation, you need a tool that helps you collect and prioritize. With, users can submit their opinions as feature requests and vote on other people’s suggestions. The top ideas rise to the surface, helping your team make decisions without drowning in noise.

All you need to do is direct your users to that one central place to log their product feedback.

⭐️ Start a Fider feedback board for free now ⭐️

Not enough feedback? Your customers are MIA?

Maybe you’re facing the opposite problem. Your users love your product (at least you hope they do), but they’re not speaking up. Why? Maybe because submitting feedback feels like shouting into the void, or worse, it’s too much work.

You need a tool that makes feedback as easy as posting a tweet. Fider’s simple interface makes it easy for users to give feedback quickly and without any hassle.

Feedback Isn’t Making it Into Your Roadmap?

You’ve got feedback, but it’s not driving change. If customer insights feel more like a suggestion box gathering dust, your problem isn’t getting feedback—it’s using it.

This often happens when feedback lands from multiple sources and isn’t consolidated clearly, where your users don’t truly have a voice. In the previous image, we saw how many people voted for each feature. We can sort these votes to find the most popular features, motivating us to prioritize and release features that truly matter.

Three Common Feedback Tool Traps (Avoid These Like the Plague)

Now that you’ve got a clear picture of the problem you’re trying to solve, let’s talk about the pitfalls. We’ve all been there—falling into the “more is more” mindset. Here’s how not to pick the wrong tool:

Trap #1: The “More Features, More Power” Illusion

There’s a temptation to go for the tool with the most bells and whistles—sentiment analysis, surveys, polls, heatmaps, and more. But honestly, more features is absolutely more work, not more value. focuses on core functionality: gathering, organizing, and prioritizing feedback without the overwhelm.

Trap #2: Forgetting About User Experience

You find a feedback tool that’s perfect for your team. But what about your customers? If it’s a hassle for them to submit feedback, they simply won’t do it. keeps things slick and simple so customers can share feedback effortlessly, ensuring you get more valuable insights.

Trap #3: Ignoring Integration (Don’t Keep Your Feedback in a Vacuum)

Feedback can’t sit in isolation. If your tool doesn’t work with your team’s project management or support systems, it becomes a black hole of unused information. integrates with popular tools, like Trello, so your feedback moves from suggestion to action, all within your existing workflow.

⭐️ Start a Fider feedback board for free now ⭐️

Which Tool is Right for You? (Hint: Don’t Overcomplicate It)

Okay, now you know what to avoid. Let’s flip it and talk about what you really need:

If you need prioritization...
Look for a tool with built-in voting or prioritization features. users vote on suggestions so the best ideas stand out, helping your team see what your audience values most.

If you need more user engagement...’s clean, intuitive design encourages users to share ideas. Plus, they can track their suggestions’ traction, giving them a sense of ownership in your product’s future.

If you need scalability...
When you’re growing fast, your feedback system can’t slow you down. scales with you, adapting as you grow without losing its simplicity.

Why Simplicity Beats Feature Overload Every Time

We get it—tools with tons of features sound impressive. But the reality? If it’s too complicated, no one will use it.

The best feedback tool is one your team and your customers can pick up and run with immediately. helps you collect, prioritize, and act on feedback. It’s open-source, easy to set up, and keeps things simple.

Conclusion: Solve Your Problem, Don’t Add to It

At the end of the day, picking a product feedback tool isn’t about having the most features. It’s about finding the one that truly solves your problem.

When you’re drowning in feedback or struggling to engage users, the right tool can make all the difference.

With, you get a simple solution that helps you collect valuable feedback, prioritize it, and take action.

⭐️ Start a Fider feedback board for free now ⭐️